42 research outputs found

    Context-Dependent Encoding in the Human Auditory Brainstem Relates to Hearing Speech in Noise: Implications for Developmental Dyslexia

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    SummaryWe examined context-dependent encoding of speech in children with and without developmental dyslexia by measuring auditory brainstem responses to a speech syllable presented in a repetitive or variable context. Typically developing children showed enhanced brainstem representation of features related to voice pitch in the repetitive context, relative to the variable context. In contrast, children with developmental dyslexia exhibited impairment in their ability to modify representation in predictable contexts. From a functional perspective, we found that the extent of context-dependent encoding in the auditory brainstem correlated positively with behavioral indices of speech perception in noise. The ability to sharpen representation of repeating elements is crucial to speech perception in noise, since it allows superior β€œtagging” of voice pitch, an important cue for segregating sound streams in background noise. The disruption of this mechanism contributes to a critical deficit in noise-exclusion, a hallmark symptom in developmental dyslexia

    Hearing It Again and Again: On-Line Subcortical Plasticity in Humans

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    Background: Human brainstem activity is sensitive to local sound statistics, as reflected in an enhanced response in repetitive compared to pseudo-random stimulus conditions [1]. Here we probed the short-term time course of this enhancement using a paradigm that assessed how the local sound statistics (i.e., repetition within a five-note melody) interact with more global statistics (i.e., repetition of the melody). Methodology/Principal Findings: To test the hypothesis that subcortical repetition enhancement builds over time, we recorded auditory brainstem responses in young adults to a five-note melody containing a repeated note, and monitored how the response changed over the course of 1.5 hrs. By comparing response amplitudes over time, we found a robust time-dependent enhancement to the locally repeating note that was superimposed on a weaker enhancement of the globally repeating pattern. Conclusions/Significance: We provide the first demonstration of on-line subcortical plasticity in humans. This complements previous findings that experience-dependent subcortical plasticity can occur on a number of time scales, including life-long experiences with music and language, and short-term auditory training. Our results suggest that the incoming stimulus stream is constantly being monitored, even when the stimulus is physically invariant and attention is directed elsewhere, to augment the neural response to the most statistically salient features of the ongoing stimulus stream. These real-tim

    Auditory Reserve and the Legacy of Auditory Experience

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    Musical training during childhood has been linked to more robust encoding of sound later in life. We take this as evidence for an auditory reserve: a mechanism by which individuals capitalize on earlier life experiences to promote auditory processing. We assert that early auditory experiences guide how the reserve develops and is maintained over the lifetime. Experiences that occur after childhood, or which are limited in nature, are theorized to affect the reserve, although their influence on sensory processing may be less long-lasting and may potentially fade over time if not repeated. This auditory reserve may help to explain individual differences in how individuals cope with auditory impoverishment or loss of sensorineural function

    The hearing sciences

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    Musical training heightens auditory brainstem function during sensitive periods in development

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    Experience has a profound influence on how sound is processed in the brain. Yet little is known about how enriched experiences interact with developmental processes to shape neural processing of sound. We examine this question as part of a large cross-sectional study of auditory brainstem development involving more than 700 participants, 213 of whom were classified as musicians. We hypothesized that experience-dependent processes piggyback on developmental processes, resulting in a waxing-and-waning effect of experience that tracks with the undulating developmental baseline. This hypothesis led to the prediction that experience-dependent plasticity would be amplified during periods when developmental changes are underway (i.e., early and later in life) and that the peak in experience-dependent plasticity would coincide with the developmental apex for each subcomponent of the auditory brainstem response (ABR). Consistent with our predictions, we reveal that musicians have heightened response features at distinctive times in the life span that coincide with periods of developmental change. The effect of musicianship is also quite specific: we find that only select components of auditory brainstem activity are affected, with musicians having heightened function for onset latency, high-frequency phase-locking, and response consistency, and with little effect observed for other measures, including lower-frequency phase-locking and non-stimulus-related activity. By showing that musicianship imparts a neural signature that is especially evident during childhood and old age, our findings reinforce the idea that the nervous system's response to sound is β€œchiseled” by how a person interacts with his specific auditory environment, with the effect of the environment wielding its greatest influence during certain privileged windows of development

    Musical Experience, Sensorineural Auditory Processing, and Reading Subskills in Adults

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    Developmental research suggests that sensorineural auditory processing, reading subskills (e.g., phonological awareness and rapid naming), and musical experience are related during early periods of reading development. Interestingly, recent work suggests that these relations may extend into adulthood, with indices of sensorineural auditory processing relating to global reading ability. However, it is largely unknown whether sensorineural auditory processing relates to specific reading subskills, such as phonological awareness and rapid naming, as well as musical experience in mature readers. To address this question, we recorded electrophysiological responses to a repeating click (auditory stimulus) in a sample of adult readers. We then investigated relations between electrophysiological responses to sound, reading subskills, and musical experience in this same set of adult readers. Analyses suggest that sensorineural auditory processing, reading subskills, and musical experience are related in adulthood, with faster neural conduction times and greater musical experience associated with stronger rapid-naming skills. These results are similar to the developmental findings that suggest reading subskills are related to sensorineural auditory processing and musical experience in children

    Stimulus Rate and Subcortical Auditory Processing of Speech

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    Many sounds in the environment, including speech, are temporally dynamic. The auditory brainstem is exquisitely sensitive to temporal features of the incoming acoustic stream, and by varying the speed of presentation of these auditory signals it is possible to investigate the precision with which temporal cues are represented at a subcortical level. Therefore, to determine the effects of stimulation rate on the auditory brainstem response (ABR), we recorded evoked responses to both a click and a consonant-vowel speech syllable (/da/) presented at three rates (15.4, 10.9 and 6.9 Hz). We hypothesized that stimulus rate affects the onset to speech-evoked responses to a greater extent than click-evoked responses and that subcomponents of the speech-ABR are distinctively affected. While the click response was invariant with changes in stimulus rate, timing of the onset response to /da/ varied systematically, increasing in peak latency as presentation rate increased. Contrasts between the click- and speech-evoked onset responses likely reflect acoustic differences, where the speech stimulus onset is more gradual, has more delineated spectral information, and is more susceptible to backward masking by the subsequent formant transition. The frequency-following response (FFR) was also rate dependent, with response magnitude of the higher frequencies (>400 Hz), but not the frequencies corresponding to the fundamental frequency, diminishing with increasing rate. The selective impact of rate on high-frequency components of the FFR implicates the involvement of distinct underlying neural mechanisms for high- versus low-frequency components of the response. Furthermore, the different rate sensitivities of the speech-evoked onset response and subcomponents of the FFR support the involvement of different neural streams for these two responses. Taken together, these differential effects of rate on the ABR components likely reflect distinct aspects of auditory function such that varying rate of presentation of complex stimuli may be expected to elicit unique patterns of abnormality, depending on the clinical population

    Description of the stimulus.

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    <p>(<b>Top</b>) The melody was composed of piano five notes, E3-E3-G#3-B3-E4. Notes 1 and 2 were acoustically identical. (<b>Middle</b>) Each ∼220 ms note had a rich harmonic structure that was dominated by the second harmonic (H2) (330, 330, 416, 494, 660 Hz, respectively), the lowest frequency in the spectrum of this β€œmissing fundamental” stimulus. (<b>Bottom</b>) As shown in the stimulus autocorrelogram, the amplitudes of the harmonics interact to create a signal that is strongly modulated at the period of the fundamental frequency (F<sub>0</sub>), as evidenced by the brightest bands of color occurring at periods of 6.06, 6.06, 4.81, 4.05, 3.03 ms, respectively (marked by black boxes). The reciprocal of these periods correspond to 165, 165, 208, 247, 330 Hz, respectively. Following procedures described in Kraus and Skoe (2010) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0013645#pone.0013645-Skoe1" target="_blank">[45]</a>, the autocorrelogram was generated using a sliding-window cross-correlation function. The first time window encapsulated 0–40 ms of the stimulus, with each subsequent window starting 1 ms after the previous. Each 40-ms time window was cross-correlated with itself and degree of correlation at each time shift (y-axis) is plotted using a color scale, such that white represents the highest correlation. In this plot, the x-axis values refer to the center of each window (e.g., window 1 at 20 ms, window 2 at 21 ms, etc.) and the y-axis values refer to the time shift of the autocorrelation function.</p

    Subcortical Laterality of Speech Encoding

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